21 जून 2012

दो शब्द, एक चुप्पी

दो शब्द...
एक बंधती आस....एक छ्टांग उम्मीद....एक पोटला आशा...
दो शब्द...बोझिल मन को पिघलाती दवाई...

दो शब्द...
गुस्से के पत्थर से तोड़ते विश्वास....ढेर सारी नफरत...
दो शब्द...मन को  जकड़ता जाल...

एक चुप्पी...
शक और यकीन के बीच डोलती एक हिस्सा कोशिश...बहुतेरी अचकचाहट... 
एक चुप्पी...मन को परखती नज़र...

एक चुप्पी...
एक शांत निःश्वास...गहरा पैठा विश्वास...
एक चुप्पी...मन से निरंतर प्रस्फुटित प्यार...

4 टिप्‍पणियां:

Unknown ने कहा…

The beautiful amalgamation of angelic thoughts and beautiful words make your writing an excellent piece of art (always)...!!!!

Naimitya Sharma ने कहा…

Julufa ji bahut dhanyawaad !!

गौतम राजऋषि ने कहा…

hey, i didn't know you are deepak's brother....juct came back from his house after having good helpings of pav bhaji and talked about you that you are an amazing writer!

Naimitya Sharma ने कहा…

Gautam Sir, Thank you for your kind words, i am a novice at best. I always knew that you were my brother's colleague...he introduced me to your blog.
I read your story in 'Hans'. After that bhaiya and me had a long discussion on the ways and (his)memories of Kashmir affairs. Hope to read more from you soon!